Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Article - Chiropractic Care and TMJ Problems a Case Study

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care and TMJ Problems a Case Study
Chiropractic Care and TMJ Problems a Case Study
In the January 2002 edition of the peer reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) appeared a case study on a 41-year-old woman who sought chiropractic care with complaints of pain at the TMJ on both sides, ear pain, ringing in the ears, vertigo, decreased hearing ability, and a sensation of pressure or fullness in both ears. She also reported that movements of her jaw while talking or chewing provoked pain at the TMJ.

Before seeking chiropractic care she was treated for her TMJ by two medical doctors. She was also referred to an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, who diagnosed her with TMJ syndrome. Additionally, she was referred to a dentist for the problem. Medical recommendations were to apply heat to the area, reduce talking and yelling, and change her diet to a soft diet. Even with all this medical and dental care her symptoms steadily continued to get worse.

Eventually she sought the care of a chiropractor. After an examination it was determined by the chiropractor that the patient had an Atlas subluxation, (first bone in the neck). Care was begun by a series of adjustments. After only a few visits the patient reported significant improvement in her symptoms. After two and a half months she reported complete relief from the TMJ symptoms. She also reported a decrease in the frequency and severity of her headaches. Prior to starting chiropractic care, she was experiencing 1 to 2 migraine headache attacks per month. The effects of the chiropractic care were long term as shown at her 1-year follow-up where she had not experienced any headache symptoms for a period of 9 months and her TMJ complaints had completely resolved.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care For Infertility

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care For Infertility
Chiropractic Care For Infertility
The TV station KOLD-TV from Tucson Arizona, ran a feature on March 29, 2004 on the subject of infertility and the positive results that chiropractic offers for women with this problem. The story starts off by saying, "Infertility. If you haven't struggled with it, chances are you know someone who wants to become pregnant, but can't. Infertility affects more than 6 million women and their partners across the country. Now there's surprising new research that may crack the case and offer couples new hope."

In the story, they feature the case of a woman named Kaycee Mogel who had always dreamed of becoming a mother. She and her husband had attempted for years to conceive. She had tried fertility drugs, but nothing worked. Then, she decided to go to the chiropractor. She recalls "within a couple months, I was pregnant. Oh, we're really excited."

It was noted that new research shows a possible link between spinal adjustments and increased fertility in some women. Dr. Madeline Behrendt, Kaycee's chiropractor said "it (chiropractic) lets couples who have been infertile or couples who are planning on having a family, it offers them hope." Dr. Behrendt led a study, looking at 15 women who struggled with infertility. Some for more than a decade. Then, for various reasons, each went to the chiropractor. Of these women 14 became pregnant and are now mothers. Dr. Behrendt says "the chiropractor identifies spinal distortions, which are called subluxations, and once they were detected and corrected, the fertility function improved."

Dr. Behrendt explained that there is a link between chiropractic care and fertility because the nerves to your reproductive system run through your spine. She says when the back is misaligned, the nerves misfire and cause a hormone imbalance, which can prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy
"Pregnancy Today" magazine describes themselves as "the journal for parents to be". On June 13, 2004 they ran a story written by Patti Larson a mother and author, about her experiences while being pregnant and the help she received with Chiropractic care. She began the story by explaining the emotions she and her husband experienced when she found out for sure she was pregnant.

As a woman in her mid-30s having her first baby, she described her concerns and questions by asking, "When will morning sickness start? How long will I be able to work? Will I make it through delivery with little pain and swearing?" She also noted that her diet and sleep habits were good, but although she had great intentions, her exercise regime was less than desirable.

She did however, mention the one thing she saw as a big factor in helping her. "What ultimately saved me from suffering undue tiredness, aches and stress from my ballooning body shape and shifting hormones was chiropractic care." She continued, "I already made regular visits to my chiropractor prior to pregnancy, so it seemed natural to continue. My chiropractor recommended I continue with weekly visits, adding that I should come in more often if I felt I needed it."

Dr. Jeff Ptak, her chiropractor in Santa Monica, Calif., explained why chiropractic care made such a positive difference, during her pregnancy. "Chiropractic care addresses the functioning nervous system," he said. "When the nervous system is not unduly stressed from environmental factors physical, emotional or chemical stress the body will work according to its unique genetic plan. A stressful birth will stress all parties involved and remain until the nervous system stress is cleared. Chiropractic, by allowing the body to handle stress, helps expecting mothers, new mothers and their newborn children handle life with greater ease."

Leslie Stewart, a certified nurse-midwife also agrees. "Chiropractic care can actually help with labor. Some women who run past their due date have used treatment to help start labor, rather than having a hospital induce them."

The article author, Patti Larson, noted that she not only continued care through her pregnancy, but also after the birth of her daughter Madeline. She concluded the article by saying, "Madeline received regular adjustments her second week after entering the world. She never had colic, ear infections, colds or any symptoms of sickness throughout her first 12 months of life when children are often most susceptible. Some people cringe when I tell them she sees a chiropractor, yet everyone agrees that she is one of the most alert, active babies they have ever seen. Some say I'm lucky, but I tell them it's really very simple just stay well adjusted!"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Wilson Family Chiropractic :: Article - Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Because of the additional weight and stress on the framework of the body in pregnant women, chiropractic adjustments can help lower the incidence of pain in the low back and legs, and between the shoulder blades. In some cases, fewer headaches and problems with nausea and elimination may also result. Many chiropractors care for expectant mothers in the regular course of their daily practices.

Most importantly is that chiropractic helps the expecting mother by improving nerve system function. Chiropractic has been based for over 100 years on correcting interference to the nervous system known as subluxations. With a properly functioning nerve system free of subluxations it is easy to see how many aspects of this important time for an expectant mother will be made easier. Many women rely on chiropractic care as a regular part of their pre-natal routine.